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With nothing but a map and a rickety solar truck, Jax journeys to a top-secret government facility at Lake Jindabyne—one of the few freshwater lakes left in Australia.

Outraged by the injustice of these people having excess water while his family suffers from dehydration, Jax hatches a plan. At first he starts small—stealing just enough water to ease the parched tongues back home—but with each trip the risks he takes become greater. It is only a matter of time before he gets caught.

And the penalty for hydro-theft is death.

About the Drowned Earth series

Scientists said that it would take 5,000 years for Earth’s oceans to rise.

They were wrong.

After an asteroid collides with Antarctica, a tsunami devastates the world’s coastal cities and escalates the melting of the ice caps.

These eight novellas set in various locations around Australia explore the potential consequences of such a catastrophe. They can be read in any order.

Books in the series

The Rise, by Sue-Ellen Pashley
Fire Over Troubled Water, by Nick Marone
Submerged City, by Austin P. Sheehan
Tides of War, by Marcus Turner
The Jindabyne Secret, by Jo Hart
River of Diamonds, by S. M. Isaac
Emoto’s Promise, by Shel Calopa
Salvaged, by C. A. Clark