<cite>Journeys</cite> Author Interview: Chris Foley

Journeys Author Interview: Chris Foley

In December 2019, Deadset Press published fifteen short stories in their Journeys anthology. Chris Foley wrote “Journey of Life”—a thoughtful, thrilling tale with great twists and two lovely protagonists. Chris was kind enough to answer questions about his story and his writing life. Chris Foley Tell me a little about[…]
<cite>Journeys</cite> Author Interview: Taine Andrews

Journeys Author Interview: Taine Andrews

In December 2019, Deadset Press published fifteen short stories in their Journeys anthology. Taine Andrews wrote "Karere"—a story which oozes classic science fiction with an awesome dose of suspense. Here, Taine was kind enough to answer questions about his story and his writing life. Taine Andrews Tell me a little[…]
<em>Space Trip</em> Excerpt

Space Trip Excerpt

Illustration © Tom EdwardsTomEdwardsDesign.com Here are the first two chapters of Space Trip. Sign up to my newsletter to stay informed about the Space Trip Universe and other projects— you get a FREE short story too! Blurb FOUR FRIENDSONE SHIPNO BRAINSFour friends—Dave, Eddie, Jimmy, and Chuck—are fed up with their[…]
A Word on Vocabulary #15: “Haboob”

A Word on Vocabulary #15: “Haboob”

It sounds funny, but it really isn't. There are some weather events that look truly breathtaking in photos—not so much in person. In fact, the sometimes turbulent nature of our planet's weather can prove fatal for some. Thankfully, there are tried and tested methods to safeguard lives when local weather[…]