Drowned Earth Author — Shel Calopa

Australian Speculative Fiction (ASF) is all about showcasing Australian and New Zealander authors. One of the many projects currently under way is the Drowned Earth Novella series—a series of eight novellas written by different authors all set in the same scenario—a flooded Australia.

To get to know these amazing authors they have been kind enough to answer some questions.

Next up we have Shel Calopa.

What can you tell us about your Novella?

My novella, the last in the series, is set in a future overwhelmed by the impact of global flooding. Behind a massive sea wall, in what may be the last city on earth, people so are reliant on artificial intelligence that the line between human and technology has been dangerously blurred. Can one girl with a profound disability be the difference humanity needs?

What drew you to submitting your pitch in the first place?

When I heard about this opportunity, I did not hesitate. Aussie Speculative Fiction, although relatively new, is providing an amazing platform for local writers. I couldn’t wait to be a part of something bigger than myself. Plus, a water-themed story had been swirling through my mind for some time, so it wasn’t really a choice. I knew I had to give it a go.

Opportunities like this are fantastic to really flex your writing muscles and collaborate alongside other fantastic authors. Is the collaboration that is necessary for a project such as Drowned Earth something that you have ever participated in before?

No I’ve never participated in a series before. It will be exciting to see whether we can sneak in a few links between the novellas.

Describe your writing style …

I’m not particularly poetic or descriptive. I’m much more interested in the issues that plague characters, seeing how they will respond to a crisis and whether they can evolve.

What kind of research do you do for your writing? How’s that Google history looking …

There is some hydrology research happening and perhaps a little … no that would be giving too much away!

What has influenced you most as a writer?

I am influenced by the wonderful writers who adorn my shelves like Sheri S. Tepper, Julian May, Kevin J. Anderson and Peter F. Hamilton. Their stories have lifted me up in troubled times and opened my mind to new possibilities.

Any advice you would give your past self or other writers just starting out?

We all have a story or two inside of us, you just need to have the courage and patience to let it out. Never worry about whether it will be published or even read. The act of writing is valuable in it’s own right. It’s cathartic. Just write.

Where can we learn more about you or follow you on social media?

I love to meet other readers and writers on my website or social media.

Shel Calopa, author of Emoto’s Promise.

This article was first published by Aussie Speculative Fiction.