Drowned Earth Author — Austin Sheehan

Australian Speculative Fiction (ASF) is all about showcasing Australian and New Zealander authors. One of the many projects currently under way is the Drowned Earth Novella series—a series of eight novellas written by different authors all set in the same scenario – a flooded Australia.

To get to know these amazing authors they have been kind enough to answer some questions.

Austin P. Sheehan is the first to join us in the virtual interview chair.

What can you tell us about your novella?
My novella is about the struggle for survival in the ruins of Melbourne, six months after the flood. It’s about family, about community, and about hope.

What drew you to submitting your pitch in the first place?
Well I really love the ASF community.  It’s a wonderful group to be a part of, and having the chance to work with other group members to create this series was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.

Opportunities like this are fantastic to really flex your writing muscles and collaborate alongside other fantastic authors. Is the collaboration that is necessary for a project such as Drowned Earth something that you have ever participated in before?
No. I have only been writing for a short period, and haven’t had an opportunity like this before—it’s all very new and very exciting!

Describe your writing style …
That’s a hard one. I’d like to say engaging, entertaining and character oriented.

What kind of research do you do for your writing? How’s that google history looking …
I try to search for images where I can, I tend to be rather visual in my learning style. There’s been a lot of research into the height of various Melbourne landmarks recently, and into the personality traits of particular star signs, what a funeral in space might be like.

What has influenced you most as a writer?
It sounds silly, but despite being a voracious reader, I’ve only seriously considered writing after recently having a dream that I just had to take down and turn into something.  So many of the authors I’ve read (Burgess, Le Guin, Carmody, Asimov, Donaldson, Clarke, P. K. Dick), their work has been of a level that’s had me awestruck. Another source of inspiration has been the stories of my family, what my grandparents and parents had endured, what challenges they survived, and what they have achieved.

Any advice you would give your past self or other writers just starting out?
Just do it. You aren’t in competition with your literary idols, and it doesn’t matter if your writing is as good or better than anyone else’s, all that matters is that someone out there enjoys it.

Where can we learn more about you or follow you on social media?
@AustinPSheehan (Twitter)

Austin Sheehan, author of Submerged City.

This article was first published by Aussie Speculative Fiction.