Space Trip Universe

The Space Trip Universe follows Dave, Eddie, Jimmy, and Chuck on their adventures across the galaxy. These guys are not seasoned explorers, nor do they ever set off with a plan. Rather, they are four friends who take to the stars in one wild and hilarious journey after another. Join them as they travel the galaxy in their seemingly unimpressive ship, Liberty, accompanied by Eve (Liberty‘s artificial intelligence program) and Cameron (an enigmatic camera drone doubling as a flying encyclopaedia). If you want light, feel-good stories that make you laugh and leave you smiling on the last page, then you’ve come to the right place.

The Green Rebellion: A Space Trip Story (Book 0.1, forthcoming)
Space Trip (Book 1)
Space Trip III: The Lost Chapter (Book 3, forthcoming)

Nahla Chronicles

The Nahla Chronicles is the epic story of a warrior rising from the ashes of defeat in a far-future, post-apocalyptic, sword and planet setting. Exiled from her homeland, Nahla survives her death sentence in the scorching Endless Land and discovers a civilisation nobody knew existed—Tasmania. Every warrior needs a king to serve, a people to protect, and a cause to uphold, and Nahla has found just that in the Kingdom of Launceston. As an outsider, Nahla plays a delicate game of survival in her new home. Enemies and mysteries abound, and unlikely friendships are forged. But Launceston hides a dangerous secret, one which those in power would kill to keep safe. Nobody expected Nahla to change the course of an entire kingdom, but the truth must be told, no matter the cost. If you want an epic science fiction adventure with swords and castles in an Australian setting, look no further than the Nahla Chronicles.

Nahla: Enemy of the Kingdom (Book 2, forthcoming)

Fire Over Troubled Water

Baz is a fresh water merchant, desalinating saltwater and bartering this valuable commodity throughout the struggling island communities of the new South Coast of Australia. But his real mission is something closer to his heart, the one thing that has plagued him since the catastrophic rise in water levels: he must find his daughter and grandchildren.

Fire Over Troubled Water is a standalone story in the shared Drowned Earth Universe.