• Do you like the kind of books that I write?
  • Do you have a Goodreads account?
  • Are you a voracious reader who likes to write objective reviews about books?

If you answered YES to those questions, you may be a good fit for my Advanced Reader Team! If you are interested in joining the team, please complete the Expression of Interest Form on this page. Please read the following information first.

What Is An Advanced Reader Team?

Members of an Advanced Reader Team read free advanced reader copies (ARCs) of my books and post their reviews on one or more platforms. The reviews are posted before a book’s publication date, and are an important part of a book’s marketing strategy.

What Are the Rules of Being an Advanced Reader?

  1. Advanced Readers must read every ARC.
  2. Advanced Readers must have a Goodreads account.
  3. Advanced Readers must post their rating and reviews on Goodreads. They can also post their reviews on other platforms.
  4. Reviews must be objective, polite, and engaging, with enough depth to encourage and entice other readers to read the book.
  5. Advanced Readers who consistently fail to post a review before the publication dates, or who fail to post reviews at all, will be removed from the team.

What Is the Process?

Several months before a book is published, a free ebook ARC is sent to the Advanced Reader Team. Before the book’s publication date, the members must read the ebook and post their reviews on Goodreads, plus any other platforms they wish to post on.

Do You Accept Book Influencers?

Certainly! If you are a Bookstagrammer, BookTuber, or BookTokker, you are warmly welcomed. While I encourage you to adhere to my Goodreads-first review policy, I am willing to waive that requirement if you have a sizeable social media following.

Please note that while I do have several Nick Marone social media accounts, I no longer use them since I left social media in June 2023. Therefore, I am unable to follow you, like your review, or post a thank you message on your account.

Why Do You Remove Underperforming Reviewers?

Book reviews are an important part of a book’s marketing strategy. The more reviews a book has before it is published, the better it will perform after publication. Therefore, I need a dedicated, active team that I can nurture and reward in return for objective ratings and reviews.

How Can I Contact You If I Have Questions?

Please use the Contact Form on this website.

Advanced Reader Expression of Interest Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
I can review books on the following platforms:
Please paste the link to your Goodreads profile here. I will add you as a friend.
Declaration – Time Commitment
Declaration – Platform Commitment
Declaration – Removal From Team