Some words may look and sound a little funny, like this gem. Added to that, some words, also like this gem, have ambiguous origins …
Meaning: an irascible person who is difficult to deal with; the word is stereotypically applied to a cranky old man, but anyone can be described as “cantankerous” if they are that way inclined.
Origin: this is where it gets interesting. There is some mystery as to the origins of the word cantankerous, though some scholars hypothesise that it originated from the joining of the Middle English word contack (meaning “contention” or “strife”) and the word rancorous (meaning “spiteful”). For good measure, scholars also suppose that the word cankerous (something of a corrupting or unhealthy influence) may have also had a role in the evolution of the word cantankerous.
Example: “I have never met a more cantankerous man in my life!”
I have a friend who loves to use this word. Whether he meets a lot of cantankerous people, or he just likes to use big words, I don’t know. But I did chuckle when I first heard him say it. Let us hope none of us are deserving of the label!